This Country Will Not Be A Good Place For Any Of Us To Live In, Unless We Make It A Good Place For All Of Us To Live In~God Bless Our Finest~God Bless The USA

I believe in the United States of America as a Government of the People, by the People, for the People; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; A democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many Sovereign States; a perfect Union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of Freedom, Equality, Justice, and Humanity for which American Patriots sacrificed their Lives and Fortunes.

Thank a Soldier today

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Terrorism Awareness and Prevention Classes 
"Open Dates Available"
Contact me if you have a civic, neighborhood, etc., group that is interested in this "No Fee" class
The Terrorism Awareness & Prevention (TAP) program provides citizens with critical information on terrorists and terrorist threats, and identifies ways Ohioans can actively participate in building safer communities. TAP is a State of Ohio Security Task Force homeland security and crime prevention initiative.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

January 16, 1945:  Great Day in Military History !
Battle of the Bulge Ends
The U.S. First and Third armies link up at Houffalize, effectively ending the Battle of the Bulge.
On this same day;  Hitler moved into his bunker, where 105 days later, he took his own life.
35th. Infantry (dug in) Battle of the Bulge

35th. Infantry removing their wounded during Battle of the Bulge

Field Hosptial~Bastogne

My Loving Father, (35th. Infantry) one of the many "hero's" that stopped Hitler in his tracks, was seriously wounded at the Battle of the Bulge, on Jan. 9th. 1945, treated in a Field Hospital, then eventually sent to England then home.
 Dad passed away several years ago, but had the opportunity to live a full happy life after that bad day on Jan. 9th, 6 miles East of Bastogne.
~God Bless You Dad, I Miss You~

Visit the Hall of Heros

Monday, January 11, 2010

Wild Blue Yonder !!!
Way to go ladies

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tribute to Our Military:

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"Freedom has a taste, and those that have fought for it, the taste is so sweet the protected will never know...."

-General George Patton
Thanks To Those Who Give All

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Attended very nice Tony Orlando concert last evening:  Tony paid tribute to the attending vets from WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Gulf War, Irag and their families;  Very inspiring and well done.  Tony and his band just got back from Iraq where they entertained and visited with our active service personel.

Thank you Tony and Band !
Enjoyed Your Show